It's how you use ChatGPT4 in your

Do you spend 5+ hours a week in meetings & it's hard to remember key points?
No worries, Instaminutes helps you train & optimize ChatGPT4 to summarize your calls & get key insights in few clicks.

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Why Insta-Minutes?

Other AI tools
ChatGPT4 is great, & with Instaminutes you can train & optimize it to get the smartest AI assistant you need for your meetings.Learn More
Morgan has completed the blog, and that will be online soon
We've reached out to 10 bloggers & 8 have accepted our guest blogging request
We'll be investing more on SEO to boost our organic traffic
We've got inclusive leadership on the fifth with 10 books on date.
Everyone needs to give some creative ideas for events to run next year.
Generic transcriptions, generic ChatGPT, nothing is optimized as per your needs
Generic transcriptions, generic ChatGPT, nothing is optimized as per your needsLearn More
Welcome, everybody today to today's team meeting. Thank you very much for attending. We are due to run today from 230 until three o'clock, so I am aware that we're quite tight on time. So I have put together an agenda for us to work through, so that we can get through the topics that we need to cover.

As we have a rotational minute taker to all of our meetings, Morgan will be taking the minutes of today's meeting. We are quite short of time. So I am going to make a start on the meeting anyway, if that's okay. And our second agenda item then is Team updates. So we're just going to spend a couple of minutes providing a bit of an update to each other on our key priorities and work that we've got going on at the moment. Could we start with you, please.

We're just having a bit of an update at the moment on people's key priorities and where they're at with their work. So Morgan's, just giving us his update. Morgan has completed the blog, and that will be online soon. The Apprentice networking events were set up and took place on Tuesday. Reports had no errors, which is really good. And that's all my hot dates this week.

We've reached out to 10 bloggers & 8 have accepted our guest blogging request Okay. Fantastic. Thank you very much. And Amy, your takeaways? Yes. We'll be investing more on SEO to boost our organic traffic Fantastic. That's brilliant. Thank you very much, Amy. And Charles, can we have your update, please?

We've got inclusive leadership on the fifth with 10 books on date. Yeah, I thought I'd take the opportunity to give her on update on our project plan. So what actions we if you've got any comments or any feedback, if you want to get in touch with me, and I'll be able to take them on board. Lovely, thank you very much, Charles, for that update. I do have a bit of an update as well.

Everyone needs to give some creative ideas for events to run next year. Thank you very much for attending, everybody. Thank you.

Train across all your meetings, irrespective of meetings tools.


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keep track of whats important

Keep track of what's important

Get smart summary & intelligence from day 1, & Instaminutes will help you keep optimizing ChatGPT4 for your work as you use more.

Intelligence for your conversation

Become smarter everyday

The ChatGPT4 AI assistant will be learning how you do meetings & work. Let the smartest assistant help you think, plan & act with game changer recommendations.

Turn meetings into an easy workflow

Turn meetings into an easy workflow

Share next steps, QnA, ideas, & other key events with your team via Slack, email or 50+ integrations in just few clicks.

Full encryption security

It's Fully Secured

Even we can't see or listen anything

Your recordings and meeting notes are stored in cloud with state of the art encryption technology. Only you can access it.

AWS Certified
AES Encryption
SSL Encryption

Success Stories

Jazz Prado
Jazz Prado
Beam.ggHead of Customer Success
Polina Fohel
Polina Fohel
VertigoHead of Business Development & Global Sales
Nida Sahar
Nida Sahar
NifeFounder & CEO
Taking meeting notes is as easy as pie
Taking notes during meetings can be a tedious task, but Instaminutes makes it as easy as pie. With its AI-powered note-taking feature, I can focus on the conversation while Instaminutes automatically generates a meeting summary, complete with action items and follow-up tasks. It's like having a personal secretary who always takes accurate notes and never gets tired or distracted.

Integrate everything,
Making work & meeting life easier


Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Is Instaminutes really Free?

    Yes. Instaminutes is free and our core product will be free forever. Though, we will be launching our premium version with advanced features in future. For early users, we are giving away advanced features for free for limited time.

  • Is Instaminutes secured?

    Yes. It's totally secure and comply with GDPR policies. Check Security section to get more details.

  • How Instaminutes is unique?

    Every other tool in the market converts your audio into text, but no transcription tool gives you the overall summary of conversation or key aways. For a half hour call what do you need? 5000 words lengthy document or just 5-6 key takeaways that you can read/listen within couple of minutes. Instaminutes is the only AI tool in the market that give you key takeaways. Also, Instaminutes AI keeps learning from you on what's import most to you and your work.

  • Does Instaminutes work for multilingual languages?

    Currently, we are focusing on English language. In addition, our AI R&D team is working to add more languages, like Hindi, Spanish, French, etc.

  • Does Instaminutes give me real-time transcript?

    Yes. Instaminutes chrome extension gives you real-time transcript and power to train AI assistant as per your work. Also, you can access the whole transcript in case you want to add more key takeaways from transcript.

  • How can I train AI assistant to take better notes for me?

    Use Instaminutes chrome extension in your meetings and select key points that you think are really import to you and your work. AI assistant will be learning that and will give you better notes as you train and use more (similar to Alexa). Learn more

  • Can I use Instaminutes on mobile?

    Yes, you can. Just sign in via this link, and add your google calendar. Then go to settings, and make it is 'Join all my meetings' and save. Instaminutes notetaker will join even when you are having meetings via any Andorid/iOS mobile app.

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Summary of every moment in 1 click,
Extract insights from any conversation.