Get importance of daily scrum meeting notes automatically

Post-covid, we are having more meetings than we used to. With so much meetings on our calendar, one of the biggest challenges is how to remember key takeaways from all these meetings. But not to worry, today we will tell you everything about get importance of daily scrum meeting notes automatically Plus, a trick on how to get short and concise MoM automatically for free.

Why you should take MoM of every meeting you do?

We all don’t like meetings much but we are spending a good amount of type in various types of meetings whether it is 1 to 1 meeting, brainstorming meetings with team members or board meetings.

Minutes of all these meeting helps you to document important details, decisions, action items, agendas and assignments discussed during the meeting.

importance of daily scrum meeting

Most importantly, meeting of minutes provides ideas for future meetings as well as a medium to review past meetings. It helps to prevent misunderstandings among team member and keep all key stakeholders on the same page.

I can go on and enlist all the benefits of minutes of meeting but the list is long and I don’t want to bore you.

How to use MoM in a smarter way as per top CXOs?

We interviewed 10 CXOs from different successful start-ups and learnt how they used MoM to grow their business, keeping their teams and themselves productive.

They said, MoM is not just some key points from a meeting. It could be much more and help you in many ways than you could imagine. It depends on how you note it and most importantly, how you use it as a tool to work in a smarter way.

minutes of meeting

Here’s what we learnt:

  • Use as a Guide: You and your team can track the commitments of each team member. You can also track schedules and due dates. All plans are placed in front of you and guidance is given as you complete individual action items. In simple words, you are never lost and always focused on top priority tasks.
  • Act as a reminder: Many things happen at once, so it's inevitable to forget one or two things at your workplace. However, teams can see progress based on the minutes of the meeting. With concise documentation to help you remember everything and everyone, you'll never miss a task.
  • Save time: If each teammate knows their responsibilities and clear deadlines, the whole team can focus on their tasks whether or not they attended the meeting, they will fully understand their obligations. And, of course, teams don't have to waste valuable time meeting just to do the same thing again.

How do you take best minutes of meeting?

Firstly, it is very important to keep the minutes of meeting very clear and to the point so that they can provide clear detail if referred to clear the doubts that may arise later.

Short and concise minutes can help you to solve problems that people can forget after a meeting.

  • In Meeting: Always ask for any changes in the last meeting minutes. Be aware of any changes made in those minutes of the meeting.
  • Check Accuracy: During the meeting, ask attendees to repeat anything you do not understand
  • Listen Carefully: You can do much good by taking minutes of meetings by participating actively in the meetings. It’s hard to focus on taking active minutes while talking about various problems as well.
  • Agenda: If possible, get details about the meeting a few days or hours before the meeting. Request a copy of the agenda and a list of attendees who are expected to attend the meeting.
  • Create a template: Make a pre-meeting template where you will take minutes of the meeting. The template should include the date of the meeting, the location, the time, the purpose, the title, the names of the attendees, and the titles and other relevant details that can be known before the meeting.
  • After the Meeting: If there are any doubts or questions, talk to the host immediately after the meeting to clarify anything you are not sure about.

Download this amazing free MoM template to take best meeting notes.

Top 3 note taking tools where you can note manually

  1. Evernote: Evernote is the favorite of entrepreneurs for organizing and archiving their meeting notes. It allows to save everything they find important or relevant in their Evernote account. It could be a PDF file, audio, video, or various website pages. You could auto-sync to all your devices for flexibility.
  1. Notion: Notion is more like a workspace and allows you to make notes, manage projects, track your habits, and create your expense sheet – basically anything and everything that you could need. Users can take notes, create lists, make work funnels, highlight, or more. There is even an option where all the information is collapsible in one place.
  1. Google Docs: Google has added a new feature on Google Docs: Meeting notes! Yes, you heard it right. Now you can add meeting notes to Google Calendar events. Within a document, navigate to the Insert > Templates > Meeting notes menu, or enter “@” anywhere in the document. You can then search for a Google Calendar event in the pop-up menu that appears, and select the event you want.

“But we are living in the world of AI and IoT now. So, let’s automate MoM.”

All these note taking tools are great if you wish to take your notes manually. But taking MoM manually results into loss of focus especially if you also want to be the part of conversation.

Below is a hack where you could get your short and concise MoM automatically.

Moreover, you could get that automated MoM shared to abovementioned 3 manual notes taking tools + 50 more apps like Slack, etc., if you want.

So, let’s see how to do it.

get importance of daily scrum meeting notes automatically | Instaminutes

importance of daily scrum meeting | instaminutes

Loved by start-ups, students and even large companies, today Instaminutes is the top automated minutes of meeting software that helps you to get short and concise meeting minutes in just 1 click and that too with the best accuracy in the market.

It’s not a simple transcription tool. Transcription is useless. You don’t look at them once they are created.

Instaminutes automatically summarizes your conversations into shot notes and a meeting intelligence dashboard to uncover hidden insights from your conversations, using AI.

Read summarized notes (Insta-notes) to recap your key discussions or conversions within minutes without going through lengthy transcription.

Also, with Instaminutes, you don’t just read your notes, you get insights on hidden patterns inside your meetings.

Plus, you get your full transcript and recording too, in case you need it in future. And they are stored in AWS cloud with end-to-end AES encryption technology. It means only you can access your notes, no one else.

With simply one click, you can MoM of your entire meeting, highlight pointers in the interactive transcript, and set up action items and deadlines. All your notes, to-do lists, and calendars are easily accessible on a personal dashboard, while metrics and insights on your meetings can easily be calculated.

How to set-up and start using Instaminutes in 1 min?

It just takes around 1 min to setup. Here is the VIP access link that give you access to Premium features for free. Sign-up Instaminutes for free

Plus, it’s UI/UX is much interactive than other tools which makes it a super easy to use tool for you and your team.

Choose any 1 out of 3 ways to set-up:

Chrome Extension: if you take meeting on Gmeet (laptop), Add Instaminutes extension to your chrome browser in 2 clicks. Summarize meetings and get MoM automatically from browser directly. Add to Chrome Now

  • Invite AI Notetaker: For Zoom, teams or meetings on mobile, integrate your Google Calendar in 2 clicks. After integrating, your personalized AI Notetaker will join your meetings and takes notes automatically.

Sign up Now

  • Upload Recording: Best for offline conversations or your recorded seminar, upload recorded audio in 1 click and summarize the audio into short notes and AudioNotes. Click here.

Final words

With so much meetings on our calendar, we all are struggling to remember key takeaways from meetings. MoM helps us to recall key takeaways, acts as a guide and reminds us to do key tasks on time.

Taking minutes of meeting is an easy way to improve better processes and workflow for all teams. Using best minutes of meeting tool can change your performance and can lead to your company grow.

We have many manual note taking apps but world is moving towards a smarter and automated alternative now.

Transcriptions are useless since they are lengthy so Instaminutes helps you summarize and uncover hidden insights from your meetings whether it’s 1 to 1, brainstorming or board meetings.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Core Tech
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  • Is Instaminutes really Free?

    Yes. Instaminutes is free and our core product will be free forever. Though, we will be launching our premium version with advanced features in future. For early users, we are giving away advanced features for free for limited time.

  • Is Instaminutes secured?

    Yes. It's totally secure and comply with GDPR policies. Check Security section to get more details.

  • How Instaminutes is unique?

    Every other tool in the market converts your audio into text, but no transcription tool gives you the overall summary of conversation or key aways. For a half hour call what do you need? 5000 words lengthy document or just 5-6 key takeaways that you can read/listen within couple of minutes. Instaminutes is the only AI tool in the market that give you key takeaways. Also, Instaminutes AI keeps learning from you on what's import most to you and your work.

  • Does Instaminutes work for multilingual languages?

    Currently, we are focusing on English language. In addition, our AI R&D team is working to add more languages, like Hindi, Spanish, French, etc.

  • Does Instaminutes give me real-time transcript?

    Yes. Instaminutes chrome extension gives you real-time transcript and power to train AI assistant as per your work. Also, you can access the whole transcript in case you want to add more key takeaways from transcript.

  • How can I train AI assistant to take better notes for me?

    Use Instaminutes chrome extension in your meetings and select key points that you think are really import to you and your work. AI assistant will be learning that and will give you better notes as you train and use more (similar to Alexa). Learn more

  • Can I use Instaminutes on mobile?

    Yes, you can. Just sign in via this link, and add your google calendar. Then go to settings, and make it is 'Join all my meetings' and save. Instaminutes notetaker will join even when you are having meetings via any Andorid/iOS mobile app.

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