5 most commonly asked job interview questions and answers [2023]

What if you could anticipate the questions a hiring manager would ask you during your next job interview? Atleast 5 most commonly asked job interview questions and answers [2023] to stand out.

In the bigger scheme of things, knowing each and everything will get boring and annoying, doing more bad than good.

commonly asked job interview questions and answers

But in the case of getting a job, knowing what a recruiter is going to ask you is a superpower that will reap you the best result, but unfortunately, that power eludes us all, or does it?

What we can do is, we can prepare for the interviews in a way that will make you impervious to the deviations that can happen when a recruiter will ask you any questions. Atleast to get any 5 most commonly asked job interview questions and answers [2023] to stand out.

Even though I don't advise having a ready-made answer for every interview question (please don't), I would like to advise taking the time to become familiar with the types of questions that might be asked, what hiring managers are really looking for in your answers, and what it takes to prove that you're the right candidate for the position.

So consider this to be your study guide for interview questions and answers. (And remember to check out our bonus list at the end with ways to ace your interview in a more modern and effective manner.)

Just to prepare you well, I’ll throw in questions that the recruiter can ask about you and job-related questions as well.

Some tips on how you can tackle them and how you can make it a better experience for the recruiter and yourself and increase your chances to get hired will also be included.

Lets get to it then,

commonly asked job interview questions and answers | interview tips

5 most commonly asked job interview questions and answers [2023] asked by HRs

Questions about you -

1. Tell me about yourself - You know yourself the best, so keep calm and talk with confidence. It is one of the 5 most commonly asked job interview questions and answers [2023] asked by HRs.

Eg -

  • My name is X, I was raised in Y, and I graduated from XYZ University.
  • (Relate your accomplishments to your strengths) As a result, I have attained X in areas like Y, Z, etc.

2. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? - HR asks you this question to learn more about your personality and fit for the position. And try to fit multiple good ones in one sentence and after that, just a few as your weaknesses.

Don’t go too personal with the weaknesses, make it light and try to make them laugh if possible, it’ll work like a charm. Yes it’s one of the 5 most commonly asked job interview questions and answers [2023] asked by HR.


  • My upbeat attitude is one of the things many would say best describes me. In fact, it aids me in maintaining my motivation even in the most trying circumstances. Additionally, I get along well with others and am quick to pick up new concepts, which makes for hassle-free teamwork.
  • As my weakness I have to admit that despite knowing that eating sweets frequently is bad for your health, I still prefer to do it.

3. What are your greatest achievements? - In essence, the interviewer is interested in learning about your abilities. Start by focusing on your most recent accomplishments and those that are most relevant to the position you are applying for.


  • I took part in the national level X competition and finished last among Y competitors.
  • I've participated actively in a lot of other competitions, like XYZ, and I've won a lot of prizes in those as well.

4. What are your hobbies? - Sort your activities so that the one most related to the position you're applying for comes first. And be professional about it and prepared for it.


  • I have produced a good number of articles since I enjoy researching and writing about the newest technology.
  • My work is available at XYZ link. In addition, I adore playing XYZ.

5. What is your biggest failure? - While responding to this question, do not refute any of your prior assertions. Try to respond to it in a way that demonstrates your resolve to succeed as well as your areas for development.


  • I enjoy doing X work and have always aspired to win Y competition, which is held only once every 3 years for X.
  • Unfortunately, I was unable to advance to the finals.

Questions about the job -

1. What do you know about this company? - One of the questions that any candidate will likely be asked is this one. Therefore, be sure to research the company before the interview.


  • One of the most likely inquiries a candidate will encounter is this one. As a result, be sure to research the business before the interview.

2. Why do you want to work at this company? - Research will be your best friend in this, and non-generic answers. Personalize your answers on why you think a company might suit you, and take a look at their work culture when researching to make your response solid.


  • I’ve experienced that working in a specific mindset can bring out the best in me, and in your company, the work and the culture will help me do X.

3. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate yourself on grounds of the skills required for this position? - This type of question is used to gauge your level of confidence. Do not be afraid to rate yourself in a way that genuinely supports your qualities.


  • I would rate my technical skills an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10, as I am competent at doing XYZ. But I will undoubtedly put in more effort and attempt to get better in the areas where I lack experience.

4. Are you willing to relocate? - In today’s scenario this has became a common question. Answer it according to your needs and do it only if you think it’ll be financially ok for you.


  • Relocation is definitely on the table, but the salary and the appropriate opportunities will dictate that decision as well.

5. Why should we hire you? - A typical HR interview query relevant to the position you're applying for. By concentrating on your qualifications and experience, you can respond.


  • I believe I am qualified for this position since I have demonstrated my ability to perform X in the Y domain and because I have also come out on top.
  • In addition, I have the XYZ abilities needed for this position.
  • Not only that, but I also constantly stay up with the most recent developments in my field and strive to reach new milestones.

Tips to ace your Interviews -

After all the research and preparation, you’ll need to have a little edge over your competitors. Among all the certifications and experience you can gather, you can still use a little something to give you that boost to have that advantage. Here is the 5 most commonly asked job interview questions and answers [2023].

I’ve used Instaminutes in the past to give myself an edge and have many people with the same and came up with good results. Instaminutes is a lightweight A.I. software that helps you with quite a lot of things when it comes to giving an interview and make you aware enough that you can use it in you work process later on as well (if you know what I mean).

Here’s how Instaminutes helped me and can give you a definite edge in your interview processes as well-

Stay in the zone - Sometimes HR can ask contradicting questions just to confuse you and throw you off your game.

Instaminutes is fantastic at keeping track of your meeting and what you’re saying with it’s

commonly asked job interview questions and answers | interview tips

Live captioning feature, you can scroll back and check the answers you’ve given which helps a lot in the interviews.

If you think something is important that can be used in the later rounds of the interview, you can click on the note in the Live captions and that will make the summarized note of it, that can be edited as per your requirement.

Analyse yourself - There can be a lot of fogginess after an interview, especially if you’re going through multiple interviews and rounds as well.

Instaminutes gives you an analytics dashboard that records and analses crucial data of your interviews and gives you a detailed report of it.

Number of questions asked, word frequency analysis, engagement rate and much more can be seen right when you open your notes.

Speaking of notes, all of your conversations ill be summarized and presented to you as concise notes, so if you need to review it for the later rounds, or if you think something you said can be used in other interviews, it can be easier to find.

Remember who says what - Instaminutes has a killer feature of labeled notes and speaker Identification. In multiple scenarios, people other than an HR joins in and asks you questions, and gives you tasks as well.

With the features above, you can easily recall what happened in addition to who has given you the task.

commonly asked job interview questions and answers | Instaminutes

All of these features are just some of the ones that I’ve used, there are still more in store for you, such as -

Trainable AI with Real-time transcription - Key points of live notes can be clicked to mark what’s important. You can train Insta-AI like Alexa to do better summarization for you as you go

Conversational intelligence - Uncover hidden insights from your customer conversations. We turn your whole meeting into a dashboard. Get advanced recommendations to engage & convert your customers better.

Audio Notes - Listen to the summary of your meetings on the go. Use Advanced filters to filter it by Speakers, Type, or labels, and read or listen to the only part of the conversation that matters most to you and your work.

Upload Audio - If you have any specific audio that you want to transcribe and get summarized notes for, you can do that on Instaminutes.

Share meeting notes - Share key moments and hidden insights of conversations to Slack, Notion, Trello, or CRM tools with anyone automatically. Instaminutes allows 50+ integrations to different key platforms that bring a seamless workflow to your meeting and work.

Conclusion -

Interviews can be tough and can drain you mentally after a while. Preparing for them beforehand is the best way to beat the competition to the punch and still get what you want. This 5 most commonly asked job interview questions and answers [2023] will definitely help you to stand out in an interview.

Instaminutes with its feature comes in to give you a definite edge so that you can give worry-free interviews, with only one thing left to talk about, your salary.

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  • How Instaminutes is unique?

    Every other tool in the market converts your audio into text, but no transcription tool gives you the overall summary of conversation or key aways. For a half hour call what do you need? 5000 words lengthy document or just 5-6 key takeaways that you can read/listen within couple of minutes. Instaminutes is the only AI tool in the market that give you key takeaways. Also, Instaminutes AI keeps learning from you on what's import most to you and your work.

  • Does Instaminutes work for multilingual languages?

    Currently, we are focusing on English language. In addition, our AI R&D team is working to add more languages, like Hindi, Spanish, French, etc.

  • Does Instaminutes give me real-time transcript?

    Yes. Instaminutes chrome extension gives you real-time transcript and power to train AI assistant as per your work. Also, you can access the whole transcript in case you want to add more key takeaways from transcript.

  • How can I train AI assistant to take better notes for me?

    Use Instaminutes chrome extension in your meetings and select key points that you think are really import to you and your work. AI assistant will be learning that and will give you better notes as you train and use more (similar to Alexa). Learn more

  • Can I use Instaminutes on mobile?

    Yes, you can. Just sign in via this link, and add your google calendar. Then go to settings, and make it is 'Join all my meetings' and save. Instaminutes notetaker will join even when you are having meetings via any Andorid/iOS mobile app.

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